What is ‘logically mystic’, and why is it important?

Being logically mystic is one of the most essential things in life to be aware of and take part in.

What is ‘logically mystic’, and why is it important?

Let’s start with some definitions of terms:

Logic is the science that investigates principles governing reliable or correct inference.

Logic also helps us understand why a valid mystic experience is a significantly important and essential part of life.

During spiritual ecstasy, a mystic gains insight into mysteries beyond ordinary human knowledge by communicating with God.

I’ll share some of my personal stories with you now because they will help you understand fundamental principles, especially how to avoid delusion, deception, and misinformation. We don’t want a head full of rubbish – many people rob themselves, and others, of a genuine and rich mystical experience because of spiritual and other rubbish. This is where the ‘logic’ comes into play.

Back in 1985, in my early 20s, when I started my ‘healing journey’, I had severe mental health problems, later diagnosed as being in the worst category of emotional trauma and damage. "Back then, I realized how important it is to seek wisdom and truth, regardless of my opinions, biases, and the emotional pain that comes with change. It's essential to be humble. I understood that this process had to take place in my inner subconscious core – as a deep part of my being, not just in my logical and conscious mind."

It is essential to have a sincere and strong desire for truth, reality, and evidence-based results. Without this focus, your mind will reject learning and growth, and you may attract deception and delusion into your life.

Albert Einstein - (Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein) acknowledged as one of the greatest and most influential scientists ever – said: “I want to know God’s thoughts—the rest are mere details.”

Albert Einstein was a brilliant, clever, and accomplished man. He was well-versed in logic, yet he prioritized knowing the ‘thoughts of God’ above all else.

Ponder for a while the significance of such thinking. Did Albert Einstein perhaps know something many of us do not?

Perhaps you have an idea, even if only a glimmer, that there is some higher intelligence beyond that of humans? (I am not speaking of aliens). Some call this ‘God’.

So, it is essential to discover the truth - not your opinion, "your truth" (which is a misnomer), or man-made spiritual/religious dogma. A key aspect of uncovering genuine truth is applying principles of 'law'.

What do I mean by this?

As with physical laws - for example, if we drop an unboiled egg, it will break - there are laws of the deep mind/psyche and laws of the spiritual/higher intelligence dimension, regardless of whether we believe them.

Some key laws include the need, as outlined above, for a deep, genuine desire for, and focus on, truth, reality and results (evidence). Humility is another key. If we are unteachable, think we know it all, are emotionally bonded to our dogma, and more, then we cannot receive the truth. We must empty a bottle before filling it with something else. Also, if we only empty part of it, we will have a mixture of whatever else we put on top. An 'inner death' is involved.

Why is the mystic important?

There are many reasons; however, an important reason is that we can access deep wisdom and knowledge via the mystic, which benefits our lives and those we interact with.

If we deprive ourselves of the mystic, we have a deep inner poverty of the mind/psyche.

Thus, we need to be ‘logically mystic’. Note I did not say: “woo woo’. Evidence and results are key.

I was at the top of my year (entire school) in science – first in biology and physics and second in chemistry. I went to a (shitty) school for ‘clever dicks’. A previous girlfriend (PhD Science – University lecturer) said I have the ‘marks of genius’. These are simple statements of fact and 'gifts of my genes'. I am extremely humble – maximising humility assists with gaining wisdom and spiritual power – this is ‘law’. Only the stupid ignore the laws of nature. Intelligence is not the same as wisdom.

Thus, I have an extremely scientific and logical mindset. I have seen and experienced so much evidence of the mystic that I would be a certifiable lunatic if I denied or doubted it.

If you are not logically mystic, you are missing SO MUCH.